Friday, June 8, 2007

A Yellow Day

Corn Muffins, recipe courtesy of __?__. I found it scribbled into my recipe book. To put it nicely, these were boring. Before baking the second half, I added probably a tablespoon of vanilla and a heaping spoonful of honey. That helped (vanilla is my panacea), but I'd still consider these a blank canvas, in need of gorgeous fruit sauces--i'm envisioning criss-crossed blueberry and raspberry, although that's a little 4th of July for me--or, in the very least, maple syrup.

Yellow Split Pea Soup, recipe from the Tassajera Cookbook. I was intrigued by the use of lemon juice in this recipe (other than that, it features the regulars: bay leaf, cumin, paprika, black pepper...), but the lemon turned out to be too much for me. Maybe if had added it earlier it would have mellowed out, but whew, I didn't like it at all. I'm not going to bother to post the recipe, and the photoshoot was likewise uninspired. Sigh.


Sara said...

Hey you! Great photos, great writing. Keep it up. If you want to cook sometime, when our schedules allow, I am game! See you soon!

neetamak said...

great posts. are you indian??

im making some of your amazing pancakes tomorrow. waiting for bok!
talk to you soon!