Friday, June 15, 2007

Fun with Garlic Scapes

If you don't think that garlic scapes are the most amazingly beautiful thing you've seen all day, raise your hand. And then leave.

I'm smitten with them, both visually and, er, victually (sorry, Webster). The women behind the stand at the farmer's market told me I was the first person to recognize (and therefore prize) the scapes, which surprised me, but I guess I was never aware of their existence before I spent some time on a farm.

My laziness and lack of a blender compel me to fry these up, with a sprinkle of cayenne and a splash of tamari--such a quick and spicy snack!--but I found a pesto recipe and a blog entry on said recipe that were both great. If you're feeling inspired, check them out:
What's a Garlic Scape? and pesto recipe
Garlic Scape Pesto...with pictures!

P.S. Some sites tell you to cut the scapes into 2 inch pieces before adding them to a stirfry, and I guess I see some logic there. But if you're making them solo, leave 'em whole, they're much more fun to eat that way (with your fingers, of course).

1 comment:

Derek said...

Look at you go! Out in the daylight and all. Good Luck jess.