Thursday, August 28, 2008

Eggplant for Haters?

Yea, I basically hate eggplant. Have I admitted this already? I had a bad experience once and it blocked out any good times I'd had previously with this nightshade fruit. I'm fine with excluding it from my diet, it was never a big part. But I liked these photos--pretty amazing how similar the colors are, between this Rosa Bianca and red garlic, right? So I typed "eggplant haters support group" into Google (no joke), and found Eggplant for Haters, a recipe by Nonlinear Girl.

I'm intrigued (though not that down with the racism-food aversion analogy). Haven't had a chance to try it, it requires somewhat fancy ingredients (dark sesame oil, rice wine), but I'm determined to give it a go. Well, maybe next eggplant season. Her tip is that Chinese eggplant, the one that looks like a purple zucchini, is a more likeable version than the rounded, dark purple American or Globe eggplant.

1 comment:

nonlineargirl said...

This recipe did win me over to eggplants, if only in limited ways. The ingredients may not be everyday, but they keep well, so buy some rice wine and even if you aren't converted to eggplant-eating you can use it for other things.

Oh, and I didn't really think of the title as about race. It was a dorky reference to a Notorious B.I.G. song.