Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In Love With Lettuce

...and hoping to feel similarly about salad dressing by the end of the summer. I've been a no salad dressing person for as long as i can remember (which is probably why i was never that crazy about salads), and only recently converted to the balsamic vinagrette point of view. Now i'm looking to get fancier, and, for the sake of science, i'm willing to (gasp!) measure the ingredients. Here's the first trial:

Simple Sweet Mustard Dressing

2 T olive oil
1 T lemon juice
1 t mild honey
1 t mustard (stoneground or Dijon)
1/2 t tamari


cheerfulhobo said...

Now I want to be a plant cannibal. Your vegetable photos look so yummy.

Anonymous said...

i had no idea lettuce could look so lovely. we can work on the dressing situation.
