Friday, September 19, 2008

Biggest. Mushroom. Ever.

I just walked in the house for a quick snack and there it was. The biggest mushroom ever. At least, that I've ever met in person. The mystery of its sheer size combined with the mystery of how it got into our kitchen made for a speculation filled break. Turns out it was a gift from Les, and that puffballs enjoy getting really big to surprise foragers (in my book any fungi that's too large to fit in my sink deserves to be anthropomorphisized)). Shawn wants to slice it up (cooked or uncooked I'm not sure) and freeze it between sheets of parchment paper to make faux veggie burgers.

In my search for other things to do with puffballs (full disclosure: I'm still a little freaked out by fungi, and prefer to only it them fresh/same day), I came across Fergus the Forager, who seems like a crazy guy. His adventures include trying to go a whole month on only wild foods.

I'm a big fan of the head-as-scale-indicator; here's Emma doing the honors.

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