Thursday, July 24, 2008

Zucchini Trial

Not really a fan of zucchini? Blame Monsanto. Okay, that's a stretch. But blame the consolidating impulse present throughout the agri-business food system. I don't think I'd ever even seen anything besides that plain, dark green, bland variety of zucchini until a few years ago. And when I did I just assumed that they all tasted alike. Not so. Joy fixed us up with a taste trial and here's how it shook out:

1) Mutabile
2) Costata Romanesco (Johnny's calls it "best tasting", but I was overruled here)
3) Yellow Crookneck
4) Dk. Green--your plain old grocery store zucchini

If you've never dug on zucchini, maybe you just need a variety upgrade!

Stuffed Squash Directions:

Use any stir fry that you would have included squash in, thems the guidelines. Hugo kept this one pretty simple: onions, garlic, tomatoes. Scoop into quartered, de-seeded zucchini, sprinkle with cheese. Bake on low until heated through/cheese is melted.

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